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Curriculum Studies Guide





Clearly the choice of options at school can greatly

determine career choices. Similarly, such subjects

as Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English and Art are

prerequisites for other university or polytechnic

courses. Generally it is important for every student

within the practical limitations of his abilities, to

take a broad range of options, being careful to

maintain essential subjects like Mathematics and

some sciences and humanities where possible.

Some subjects have prerequisites which may

require approval from the HOD of the subject and

the Director of Studies, if a student does not have

the prerequisite but wants to take the subject.

Classical Studies, Art History, Digital Technologies,

and Media Studies begin at Year 12.

Ongoing study of Accounting and Economics in

Year 12 and 13, while not essential prerequisites

for tertiary courses, is of great assistance to

students in planning commerce studies at a

polytechnic or university, and in developing the life

skills of personal and business accounting and

management. We also offer a course in Financial

Literacy for Years 11 and 12 boys. Please read the

entry criteria carefully. Likewise Drama, Graphics,

Physical Education and Science can enhance a

broad education, develop skills and a career focus.

The vital importance of the humanities such

as Art, Classical Studies, Drama, English,

Geography, History, Art History, Languages and

Music cannot be underestimated in building a

balanced education and providing broad career

opportunities. Note should also be taken of the

importance of foreign language fluency, in such

growth areas as commerce, industry, trade

and tourism.

In summary, option choice is determined by an

evaluation of:

a) previous years’ study

b) possible future career needs

c) necessity for future career flexibility

d) ability - discuss with subject teachers and do

not underestimate the effect of hard work and

committed effort

e) interest in and enjoyment of the subject.

Subject teachers, Housemasters, Mr Eccleton

(Director of Studies) and Mr Sellars (Careers

Adviser) are all available to assist with

discussions on subjects to help in the selection

of appropriate options, in order that career

opportunities and choices are not limited.