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Curriculum Studies Guide





There is a requirement that you have a

digital SLR camera for this course.

Standards offered:

Visual Arts AS 91312 (2.2)

Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of

conventions appropriate to photography.

(4 credits – internal)

Visual Arts AS 91317 (2.3)

Develop ideas in a related series of drawing

appropriate to established photography practice.

(4 credits – internal)

Visual ArtsAS91322 (2.4) –TwoPanel Portfolioofwork

Produce a systematic body of work that shows

understanding of art-making conventions and

ideas within photography.

(12 credits – external)





Years 12 Visual Art or Year12

Design or Year 12 Photography

Periods per week



The Year 13 prescription consists of four separate

subjects: sculpture, painting, design and

photography. Up to 2 of these may be taken as

separate Level 3 subjects. Drawing must be an

integral part of each subject.

For entry into the Canterbury School of Fine Arts,

Excellence grades must be gained in two Visual

Arts Level 3 subjects.

For entry to one of the Christchurch Polytechnic

Design courses, a folio of work must be presented

in November with an application. Level 3 folders

are usually acceptable for this submission. Other

tertiary institutions throughout the country have

other requirements. It is possible to work towards

an application for entry to a particular course

while studying a Level 3 Visual Art subject during

the Year 13 year.

Scholarship is also offered in each of the Visual

Art disciplines.


If you are undertaking Level 3 Photography,

there is a course requirement that you have a

digital SLR Camera.


There will be three Level 3 Visual Arts assessments:

Visual Arts Design

AS 91445

AS 91450

AS 91455

Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of

conventions appropriate to design, painting,

photography and sculpture.

Visual Arts Painting

AS 91446

AS 91451

AS 91456

Systematically clarify ideas using drawing

informed by established practice.

Visual Arts Photography

AS 91447

AS 91452

AS 91457

Produce a systematic body of work that integrates

conventions and regenerates ideas within (design,

painting, photography, sculpture) practice.

Visual Arts Sculpture

AS 91449

AS 91454

AS 91459

Produce a systematic body of work that integrates

conventions and regenerates ideas within (design,

painting, photography, sculpture) practice.