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Curriculum Studies Guide




Produce a design for a media product that meets

the requirements of a brief. (4 credits – internal)


Produce a media product to meet the

requirements of a brief. (6 credits – internal)


Demonstrate understanding of a significant

development in the media. (3 credits – internal)


Write a media text to meet the requirements of a

brief. (3 credits - internal)

discerning consumers, they need to develop an

understanding of the media - an ability to read

them critically as well as to appreciate and enjoy


Media Studies at Level 3 aims to further develop

analytical and production skills established at

Level 2, although any student who is keen and

willing to learn will be able to achieve at this

level. Most students have been introduced to

production skills in Level 1 English and may well

have developed an interest in film, television and

radio – the mass media which form the basis of

the Year 13 media studies course.

The Christ’s College NCEA Level 3 Media Studies

course contains elements which are assessed

both internally and externally. The main elements

of the course are close reading of film and radio

texts, the relationships between the mass media

and society, media audiences and advertising,

genre and production.

Main Concepts

Media Studies is about the active exploration,

analysis, creation, and enjoyment of the media

and its products.

Media Studies examines the dynamic role of

the media in society, how the media constructs

messages about individuals, communities, and

cultures and how media products are produced,

controlled, and distributed.

Through Media Studies students gain the

knowledge and skills to conceive, plan, design and

make media products that engage audiences.


The Level 3 course is assessed on the following

NCEA Achievement standards:


Demonstrate understanding of the meaning of a

media text through different readings.

(3 credits – internal)


Demonstrate understanding of the media

representation of an aspect of New Zealand

culture or society. (3 credits – internal)


Demonstrate understanding of a relationship

between a media genre and society.

(4 credits – external)
