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Christ’s College





French, German, Japanese and

Spanish are offered. These are

optional subjects.


Successful completion of

Year 10 course or its equivalent.

Periods per week

Four. This is a year long course.


Students are now working towards understanding

and producing more complex language. They

focus on communicating beyond their immediate

context – for example, talking about the past or

future, and they encounter a variety of text types.

Students are encouraged to express personal

ideas/opinions and to respond to those of others,

as well as select appropriate language for specific

purposes and audience. Japense students

develop their kanji.


All languages will require a laptop and headphones.

There will be some workbook and some booklet

based work as well as digital folders.


Assessment dates are approximate but will be

published on the school assessment calendar.

A course outline with anticipated dates and

topics will be published on Schoolbox under each

language in February so students can plan well in

advance. Protocols and policies with regard to the

management, marking and moderation of internal

assessments are in accordance with school

policy. Students are encouraged to familiarise

themseleves with these processes.

Please notes: in 2018 there are NO reassessment

opportunities for internal achievement standards

offered. The Interact and Writing portfolios are

conducted over three terms and students are

considered to have ample time to reformat the

two samples required for each before the final


There will be a weekly vocabulary test of

prescribed examination vocabulary. Students

should prioritise this learning. The on-line learning

is easily applied to ipads and smart phones.

The following NCEA achievement standards will

be offered in 2018. Students can obtain 19 credits.

There will be three internal assessments to the

value of 14 credits and one external assessment

to the value of 14 credits and one external

assessment to the value of 5 credits.


AS 90879

Give a spoken presentation in French that

communicates a personal response.

(4 credits – internal)

AS 90880

Interact using spoken French to communicate

information, ideas and opinions in different

situations. (5 credits- internal)

AS 90881

Demonstrates understanding of a variety of

French texts on areas of most immediate

relevance. (5 credits – external)

AS 90882

Write a variety of text types in French on areas of

most immediate relevance. (5 credits – internal)


AS 90884

Give a spoken presentation in German that

communicates a personal response.

(4 credits – internal)

AS 90885

Interact using spoken German to communicate

information, ideas and opinions in different

situations. (5 credits - internal)

AS 90886

Demonstrates understanding of a variety of

German texts on areas of most immediate

relevance. (5 credits – external)

AS 90887

Write a variety of German text types in German on

areas of most immediate relevance.

(5 credits – internal)


AS 90879

Give a spoken presentation in Japanese that

communicates a personal response.

(4 credits – internal)

AS 90880

Interact using spoken Japanese to communicate

information, ideas and opinions in different

situations. (5 credits - internal)

AS 90881

Demonstrates an understanding of a variety

of Japanese texts on areas of most immediate

relevance. (5 credits – external)