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Curriculum Studies Guide





All Year 9 courses are at

beginner level and no previous

knowledge is required. Study

that students may have done at

previous schools or in other

educational systems is welcome

but those who have not done

so on a regular basis will not be

disadvantaged. A student, who

has studied the target language

for 4-5 periods a week over the

previous two years should

not go into beginners level. An

appointment should be made

with the Head of Department to

look at placement.

Periods Per Week

Three. This is a year long course.


At Year 9, in all languages the principal aim is that

students learn to interact in simple ways within

personal and meaningful contexts, with the support

of everyday vocabulary and familiar expressions.

They develop skills in listening, reading and viewing,

speaking and writing, presenting and performing

in the target language. In Japanese a start is made

in the study of Japanese script. All classes work

from a text book with computer assistance where

appropriate. Students are encouraged to use

technology in innovative ways when presenting

work or learning vocabulary. The Modern Languages

Department subscribes to several professional

learning sites which provide high-interest activities

that consolidate and enhance classroom teaching

and learning.


Students will require a laptop with headphones

and the workbook which is specifically designed to

support classroom learning.


A variety of assessment methods, including self

and peer assessment, are used to monitor progress

in receptive and productive skills throughout the

year. There is an examination at the end of the year

which tests all four language skills.



French, Japanese and

Spanish are optional. Students

choose ONE language. German

is no longer offered at Year 10.


Successful completion of the

Year 9 course or equivalent.

Please note that any changes in

or out of courses must be made

in the first fortnight in February

otherwise the student is committed

for the full academic year.

Periods per week

Four. This is a year-long course.


Students work towards understanding and

constructing simple texts using their knowledge

of the target language. They learn to describe

aspects of their own backgrounds and immediate

environment. They also learn to express and

respond to their personal needs/opinions

and those of others. There is much emphasis on

building word knowledge and acquiring a range

of vocabulary as well as developing spoken

interactions. Japanese students continue to

develop their hiragana and katakana skills and

begin learning some kanji.

Topics include talking about oneself, family, friends,

school, the town, eating and drinking, hobbies

and interests. Students are encouraged to use

technology in innovative ways when presenting

work or learning vocabulary. The Modern Languages

Department subscribes to several language

learning sites which provide high–interest activities

that consolidate and enhance classroom teaching

and learning.


All students require a laptop with headphones.

A course-specific workbook is also supplied to

support the textbook used in class.


Self and peer assessment continues as per Year

9. There is ongoing formative and summative

assessment throughout the year which is topic-

related. Students are encouraged to reflect upon

their learning and performance and can expect

regular progress markers. In November there is a

formal examination which tests all four language
