We Care
The House system encourages camaraderie and builds a sense of family
between all age groups. The four Houses are named after heroic Antarctic
explorers with historic connections to the school.
Each House has been gifted words that signify attributes of the explorer’s
name they carry.
During the year, sports, cultural and service events become part of the
House Competition toward a trophy at the end of the year. Pupils are
encouraged at each event to wear their House colours and enter into
the spirit of the occasion.
We are called to build the
family of Christ.
We care a great deal about
building the Middleton
Grange family of Christ.
Pupils have opportunities
to embrace their role
within our large household,
while also offering them
individual support when
they need it. Our staff are
committed Christians who
care deeply about children
and young people; their
love and support make our
culture of nurture a reality.
Some of the intentional
ways we build the
Middleton Grange family
of Christ follow.
Sir Charles
Captain Robert Sir Ernest
Dr Edward
Perseverance Faith
Vertical Groups
Form classes in Years 9-13 are made
up of pupils from each year level.
Peer Support
Senior pupils train to become
Peer Support leaders and nurture
younger pupils.
Guidance Counselling
Our trained counsellors are part of
our supportive staff network; they
are available to help all Middleton
Grange pupils and families.
Exce l lence