We work with parents as the
‘first-educators’ to challenge
your children to integrate
their faith with their learning,
and to take their faith, as
ambassadors, out into the
wider world.
At Middleton Grange School
we want to develop godly
character in your child, to help
them aspire to excellence,
and to serve others in the
community. As a Christian
school we do this for the
glory of God and for the
benefit of society.
God calls each one of us to
do whatever we are doing
excellently as though we are
doing it for Him and not for
ourselves. “My utmost for
His highest” is a universal
expectation at Middleton
Grange School.
May I warmly encourage you
to seek further information
about our school as you
discover that this is a
wonderful choice of school for
your son or daughter. I look
forward to welcoming your
family to Middleton Grange
God bless
Richard Vanderpyl
From the Principal
Richard Vanderpyl
I am delighted
to have this
opportunity to
introduce you
to Middleton
Grange School;
a school that is
known for its high
quality academic
education and as
a compassionate
community in which
the God-given gifts
and talents of pupils
are nurtured and
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Middleton Grange School (MGS) is
more than a place of learning; it is
a caring community; a family of
Christ that is shaped daily by faith,
scripture and prayer.
We are a ‘Special Character’ School
offering a non-denominational
Christian education for new entrants
through to Year 13. Since the
establishment of the school in 1964
the biblical truths of Jesus Christ
have been our cornerstones and
permeate all aspects of school life.
Our Mission
At Middleton Grange School we are
committed to a rigorous learning
culture based on an understanding
of truth as revealed in the whole
counsel of Scripture. We equip pupils
with the knowledge and skills to
understand their heritage and their
place in it; and to critique and engage
contemporary society. We work with
parents to encourage pupils in their
gifts and abilities to serve God
and others.
Our Vision
Middleton Grange School assists
families in the education of their
children by providing an environment
in which the Biblical truths of Jesus
Christ are taught and lived.
Our Motto
Character, Excellence, Service for
the glory of God
Developing our
whole self in Christ’s likeness with
characteristics of mercy, integrity,
and compassion
Always striving for
personal best and utilising our God
given gifts and talents to the best
of our ability
Having a heart for selfless
giving and realising our gifts and
talents in order to help others
For the glory of God
All that we do is for His glory
What do our parents say:
Middleton Grange School is
a place where I am happy for
my children to be. They are
immersed daily in a culture
where staff encourage, guide
and train their students to
develop and be the best they
can be; they support our
children to find and walk
in God’s plan.
Middleton Grange provides
an excellent all round
education with particular
emphasis on character
development and academic
We Are...
Read more about our history,
Statement of Special Character
and Statement of Belief on our