Middleton Grange offers a number of
opportunities to embrace the Māori
culture. Te Reo Māori is compulsory
for Years 7-8 and is offered as an
option for Years 9-13 which includes
NCEA Levels 1-3. Within the Māori
Department there are opportunities
to be part of Marae stays, participate
in Manu Kōrero Speech Competitions
and perform waiata and haka. Our
Kapa Haka group performs regularly
at school functions and annually at
the Tūhono Cultural Festival.
Staff are also encouraged to use the
language and we have a whānau
committee established to assist in
the home/school relationships for
Māori whānau.
The Pasifika pupils at Middleton
Grange know their languages and
cultures are respected and upheld.
Pasifika pupils have the opportunity
each year to participate in the
SPACPAC Speech competition and
speak in either Samoan, Tongan or
English. They can also enter in NCEA
External Achievement Standards in
the same Pasifika languages. We
have two fono a year where parents,
pupils and school representatives
discuss issues relevant to
Pasifika pupils, outside guests
are invited to speak, and
refreshments are served.
Pasifika pupils also attend
the Careers Expo annually,
which is specifically for
Pasifika pupils across
Christchurch. Some pupils
have the opportunity to
receive extra tuition at
University of Canterbury
during the holidays.
Pasifika food is shared at
the International Festival.
We Embrace
(Kaingākau ai tātou)
International College
Adding Cultural richness and
learning opportunities
International pupils from a range
of countries are welcomed to our
school at all Year levels from Years
1 to 13. The presence of international
pupils provides opportunities to show
genuine hospitality and celebrate
our cultural diversity.
The International College provides
care and support to ensure success.
Pupils join mainstream classes while
receiving comprehensive English
language support and unique
pathways to tertiary studies in
New Zealand and overseas. Our
team of “International Ambassadors”,
is made up of Middleton Grange
School leaders, who ensure that all
international pupils are welcomed
and integrated into our school.
They are also encouraged to
participate in the wide range of
extra-curricular activities offered.
International pupils either live with
their parents or become a member
of a local homestay family.
Special features of the International
College are the Study Tours and
English Camps we offer to many
international pupils from all over
the world. We also provide an
International Teacher Development
programme, training English teachers
and building important links with
schools and educators abroad.
"It has been an awesome time being
at MGS. Kiwi students help and
are really nice to everyone. I have
laughed a lot here. Even though
I am leaving, I won't forget anything
and everyone at this amazing
school." - China
We Are Global
I feel I am more
now that I am
in New Zealand.
My studying has
improved a lot
because of new
and different
teaching methods.
Vietnamese Student