We Are Future Focused
At Middleton Grange School there
is a seamless, biblically-based
Curriculum that is authentic and
encourages critical engagement
with contemporary society.
In 2019 our curriculum is:
• Biblically-based and
authentically infused by the
Foundational Principles for
Curricula (FPC)
• Seamless across Years 1 – 13
• Innovative in meeting the
needs of akonga
• Challenging, develops critical
thinking, and inspires action
At Middleton Grange School all
teachers are reflective, lifelong
learners. They deliver the highest
quality teaching and learning
within and across Year Levels
and learning areas.
In 2019:
• Professional learning and
development is regular,
differentiated and of the
highest quality
• A de-privatised teaching
culture is built on trust
and strong, professional
• New and appropriate
technologies are integrated
into teaching practice
• Effective practice is clarified,
personalised and embedded
• Achievement data (qualitative
and quantitative) is easily
accessed and regularly used in
meaningful ways to improve
the learning of all akonga
• Pupil voice regularly informs
planning and teaching through
inquiry and reflective practice
• Middle leaders are
instructional leaders
At Middleton Grange School
pupils, parents and staff work
within a culture of excellence with
Christ’s character permeating
every aspect of school life. As
a connected family, we serve
together, celebrate with one
another, and realise the gifts
God has placed in us.
In 2019, our culture is:
• Christ-centred, striving for
personal best in all endeavours
– "My utmost for His highest"
• One of personal and professional
commitment to a rigorous
learning community – Ako
• Respectful, restorative, and
holds one another accountable
– whanaungatanga
• Connected, practising
hospitality and kindness –
• One where effort, success
and the school's ethos are
appreciated and celebrated
At Middleton Grange School there
is high quality communication
and a strong partnership between
home and school. Parents are
actively involved in the life of the
school for the benefit of pupils,
and have a clear understanding
of a biblically-based education.
In 2019:
• Parents are well informed
about all aspects of their
children’s education
• Parents are involved in the life
of the school for the benefit of
the pupils.
• Two-way communication
between home and school
supports teaching and learning
At Middleton Grange School pupils,
parents and staff are motivated
by love and compassion to serve
purposefully within school,
local and wider communities.
Opportunities for all pupils to use
their giftings for practical acts of
service are provided through our
curriculum and school life.
In 2019:
• An authentic culture of
service exists across our
school community
• The curriculum provides
opportunities for service
• Pupils are using their gifts
to serve
• Sustainable programmes
of local, national and
international mission operate
• Parents serve within
classroom, co-curricular and
mission activity